Mizoram to ignore World Yoga Day

Mizoram to ignore World Yoga Day

Mizoram’s protestant and evangelical churches have appealed to the people of the state to ignore International Yoga Day slated for Sunday, on religious grounds.

“Sunday is a holy day for Christians. The government’s decision to celebrate Yoga Day on Sunday has hurt us. We appeal to the Christian community not to participate in the celebrations,” stated Reverend R. Lalrinsanga, the secretary of Mizoram Kohhran Hruaitute Committee, an umbrella organisation of 15 major denominations of the state.

Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla told the local media : “No Mizos will participate on a Sunday because it is a sacred day for Christians. As a Christian, I will also not violate it. We (the state government) have not issued any circular (to observe the day).”

The controversy in the mainland over Surya Namaskar and yoga has further confounded the issue. David Thangliana, secretary of the PCC’s media department, said that most Mizos would not participate in Yoga Day because yoga they see it as a form of Hindu worship. “People are not very aware about the programme. The government has also not issued any circular,” he said.

The Opposition Mizo National Party (MNF) also opposed any compulsory ‘celebration’ of Yoga Day. “I am also with the Church on the issue. Sunday is a holy day for every Christian and we will not participate in the yoga day celebration,” former Mizoram chief minister and MNF president Zoramthanga said.

The state government is in no hurry to impose yoga in educational institutions within Mizoram. The committee of churches has also urged chief minister Lal Thanhawla to conduct a thorough study before introducing yoga in educational institutions in the state.

“We are ignorant of yoga as we don’t have a proper study on it. However, a controversy regarding surya namaskar has already been sparked in the country and we have requested Lal Thanhawla to conduct a systematic study on yoga before introducing it in the government educational institutions of Mizoram,” he said.


A seminar on the pros and cons of yoga will be held by a local NGO in Aizawl on July 17. Civil society representatives are expected to attend.

The Catholic Church, it may be mentioned here, does not have a problem with yoga, or the celebration of Yoga Day. In fact, yoga classes have been held for decades in numerous schools and educational institutions run by the Catholic Church across the country. Several Catholic priests and nuns are practitioners of Yoga, Vipassana, and other forms of eastern meditation practices.

The United Nations General Assembly had declared June 21 as International Yoga Day on December 11 last year. The decision came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi appealed to the UN to adopt June 21, which is the summer solstice, as yoga day during his address to the UN General Assembly on September 27, 2014. Altogether 177 countries supported the resolution to make June 21 International Yoga Day.

The 21st of June is also World Music Day and Fathers’ Day also falls on June 21 this year.