Bio-diversity in focus on IBD

Bio-diversity in focus on IBD

There is a well-known Cree Indian Prophecy that says: “Only after the last tree has been cut down, only after the last river has been poisoned, only after the last fish has been caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.”

It’s interesting that one of the largest student movements in India, with bio-diversity as its flagship is Taru Mitra started from Bihar.

May 22 is  celebrated as The International Day For Biological Diversity across the world.

The United Nations proclaimed May 22 “The International Day for Biological Diversity” (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. A wide range of events are organized globally to increase the understanding of the important role of biodiversity in our future.

Celebrations are organized by: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, which forms part of the United Nations Environmental Programme; many national governments; and a range of non-governmental organizations.

We might think of ourselves as an intelligent species but our self-destructive behaviour, at least as far as nature’s delicate infrastructure is concerned, shows little evidence that this is true. The well-documented fact is that we are at risk of destroying this precious planet for future generations, or at least saddling them with an enormous financial and environmental legacy of having to fix the problems we couldn’t.

Each year, the International Day for Biodiversity focuses on a particular theme. Recently, the themes have been: Biodiversity and Poverty Alleviation (2003); Biodiversity: Food, Water and Health for All (2004); Biodiversity: Life Insurance for our Changing World (2005); Protect Biodiversity in Dry lands (2006); and Biodiversity and Climate Change (2007); and Biodiversity and Agriculture (2008). This year’s theme is mainstreaming biodiversity.

The International Day for Biological Diversity is part of a series of activities to focus attention on the Convention on Biological Diversity. The symbol of this convention is a stylized image of a twig or branch with three green leaves. Each year a piece of artwork is commissioned to reflect the theme. Details of the artwork are used as symbols for different aspects of the International Day for Biological Diversity.

Protecting nature is both a moral and ethical issue. It goes without saying that we must preserve the planet’s natural wonders for its own sake and for future generations, but if that is not a convincing enough argument for some people than the economic argument should be. It is in our own interest to conserve and restore them – otherwise we are just biting the hand that feeds us. And if we don’t make those smart investments now to protect biodiversity and the healthy ecosystems around us, then we face even heavier bills later trying to restore what has been lost.


[Prepared by Animesh from media sources]