What does fair mean?

What does fair mean?

Fair means not to be biased, judgmental and to be unbiased in each and every situation. Fairness is not just a part of a person’s nature but also the part of a person’s identity and personality. If you treat a person with equality without discrimination or favoritism then you are called fair.

Fairness is without cheating or trying to achieve unjust advantage. The most important thing is that fairness matters because people know it when they see it. For the society, I think, if fairness and equality are together then we will be able to build up a great country. The biggest question here can be that why would fairness matter. Well it matters because unless people feel that society, the economy is working in ways they would describe as fair, then it is not a sustainable proposition.

I think fairness truly have an actual impact on my life because I myself try to be fair in each and every aspect of my life. I do not know how much I succeeded but I have tried a lot and is still trying my very best to evolve myself so that I can be a worthy candidate and no one can point me out for my decisions, that I will take in means of unfairness.

In the society you would not find people who will say that being fair is good because they themselves believe that partiality is good whether it is in their family or in their work place.

Consider a situation in which one person after doing everything did not receive recognition but the other person who had done nothing is praised by the head. This is partiality and this is being biased and unfair. At that time the person, who did nothing , feels very good but if the same thing happens with him then he will feel biased. So, every person faces partiality but when they see it happening with others and they getting benefit of it then those people feel happy.

I consider myself very lucky because from my very childhood. I have never faced unfairness, not by my family, not by my friends and teachers or anyone else. This is the reason why I consider fairness to be actual. My mother has always given me the right love and values which has led me to be a good person. She always tell me to be unbiased, non judgmental and to be fair. She says that whatever be the situation you must not tell lies and must not help the person who is wrong whether he/she is your family member, friend or relative. There may be some situation in one’s life when they have to be unfair but it does not mean that you will apply it everything, and will make it as a part of your life.

Fairness has till now, always helped my personality and has helped me in becoming a good student. There have been many situations in which I have faced a lot just for being fair, but I think it is to be good because it has helped me to learn something from every challenge that I have faced.

See, I know that in today’s work people are used to say lies, to become partial or to be judgmental. It is OK but try not to disrespect anyone or to harm anyone from your unfair means of action. Society needs to develop and it can if we are there for it to be developed and are even lending hands to help the society. I know I may have hurt some people by my nature of being fair but I think later on they should have understood that what I did was right and why I was right.

As a person of fair nature I think and would like to suggest everyone to be fair in their life, not completely but at least a part of it. I have never paid any cost for being fair and think I will never ever have to and always respect this attitude of being fair.

[An article by Animesh Vats]


4 Responses to "What does fair mean?"

  1. Allen Bhai   May 12, 2016 at 6:38 pm

    Fair and lovely or Black and Ugly, it’s all cosmetic!

  2. Boy Shakira   May 12, 2016 at 7:08 am

    Screwed up logic here.So Animesh thinks its ‘OK’ to ‘say’ lies, be judgmental and partial! what a load of BS! Animesh Beta, whenever you use ‘unfair’means, you always harm someone… so your entire piece on ‘fairness’ is an exercise in vain egoism!

    • Animesh   May 12, 2016 at 11:09 am

      I said that everyone speak lies but whenever you do so always remember that it should not harm anyone. That’s my point. I never said that it is okay to be judgmental and say lies. I said that people do that. I feel that there is a situation in everyone’s life when he or she has to speak a lie but always remember that a lie which is harmless, in my sense is not bad if it is causing you a gain and not even one percent of harm to anyone.

      • Vandana,CEMS,PWC   May 13, 2016 at 4:18 pm

        I think you are quite right. But we should avoid to fall in the situation where we have to tell lies or be judgemental.Because lies in some or the other way harm us.