India’s shocking absence from Women, Youth summit

India’s shocking absence from Women, Youth summit

ANKARA: Where’s India? No women? No youth? Strange! India has gone unrepresented in the key engagement groups of G20 on women and youth. The host country Turkey is baffled. The efficient and in-your-face Narendra Modi government failing to provide names of delegates to champion the national cause in such an elite gathering- now isn’t that a telling […]

India’s new heroines: Tashi & Nungashi

India’s new heroines: Tashi & Nungashi

The new women heroes of the day are definitely Tashi and Nungashi Malik, the first twin sisters to climb Mount Everest together, have now become the fastest South Asians to complete the ‘Explorers Grand Slam’. But they have done it on their own, with no ‘support’ from the Narendra Modi government. The Government of new […]