It is interesting to see certain Christian and Muslim religious leaders waxing eloquent on the matter of intolerance and ‘majoritarianism’ in public life.
In the light of the rights of the LGBT minorities, one often hears some ‘Christian’ and Muslim’ so-called leaders speaking on behalf of the community, insisting that the draconian IPC 377 that criminalizes non-heterosexual relations should remain in place. As educated and intelligent people know, section 377 is a gross violation of human rights.
First of all, these so-called voices do not speak for the majority of people who happen to be affiliated to the Christian and Moslem faiths.
Secondly, this attitude to deny the basic human rights to gay, lesbian, transgender and queer people smacks of the very intolerance and majoritanism that these fellows condemn!
Yours Truly,
Richard Das
Bahu Bazar, Ranchi, Jharkhand
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