I do believe that all humans have equal rights. All humans also share equal responsibility.
Reading about the problems of Hijras on Newsnet One I am sad. But there is another side also. Hijras are scary. They enter trains and frighten the travellers. They use filthy language. they do not beg, but demand money.
One day, I was coming by passenger train from Gaya to Patna. About 5 Hijras came inside the train. They made shameful gestures. They demanded money from my friend. When he did not give, one tall Hijra abused him and slapped him. then they went shouting ‘hain hai hai’ and clapping. Four five other boys quickly gave money.
So, all Hijras may not be bad, but Hijras have to improve their own image to be accepted well in the society.
Yours Truly
Mukesh Kumar
Domuhani, Bodh Gaya
roll no 42
SXC BMC 1ST year
I agree AND disagree both.
I agree because they do all these things for their survival But as well as I also disagree because their occupation is not good,it just irritate the common people.
I Agree…with the post -a HIJRA must chnge thier image and behaviour towards the common people.
Yogesh Kumar
SXC,BMC-I,roll no-33
Hijras get special attention in public,so they can use this treatment in a good way.Instead of embarrassing people they can spread awareness about deficiency diseases like HIV aids.This is one way how hijras can improve their image in society.
I agree with this post….If this behavior of theirs continue in this society then no one will be changing their thinking about them and will not be respected by any people.
Agree…. It doesn’t matter who you are. .. If you respect others then only you will be respected by others. And the most important, respect your self… .