Seoul: Fancy Housing to boost Birth Rate!

Seoul: Fancy Housing to boost Birth Rate!

In a move that could be described as either a bold leap forward or a desperate grasp at straws, Seoul’s Mayor Oh Se-hoon has announced a new housing scheme aimed at tackling South Korea’s demographic crisis. Seoul is in South Korea, right? But this isn’t a K-pop story. The crisis, fuelled by an alarmingly low […]

“India Prepares for Chinese Product Tsunami: Lifeboats Ready!”

“India Prepares for Chinese Product Tsunami: Lifeboats Ready!”

In a turn of events that has left Indian markets bracing for impact, the recent tariff hikes by the United States on a multitude of Chinese imports have poised India to become the new destination for a deluge of Chinese goods. It appears that China, facing a sudden closure of a major market, is about […]

Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus Charged with Embezzlement in Grameen Telecom Case

Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus Charged with Embezzlement in Grameen Telecom Case

The microfinance pioneer is accused by PM Sheikh Hasina of ‘sucking blood’ from the poor, but supporters say charges politically motivated. In a significant development, Bangladesh’s Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has submitted charge sheets against Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus and 13 others in a case related to the alleged embezzlement of Tk 252 million of […]

Indonesian Bishops shift Ash Wednesday for Elections

Indonesian Bishops shift Ash Wednesday for Elections

Suppose the Indian elections are scheduled for Ash Wednesday 14th October, what would the Church in India do? This story comes from Indonesia. In a unique move reflective of the diverse challenges faced by religious communities globally, Catholic bishops in Indonesia are making a temporary liturgical adjustment as the country prepares for its presidential election. […]

Myanmar (Burma): World’s Top Opium Source, UN Reports

Myanmar (Burma):  World’s Top Opium Source, UN Reports

While Afghanistan slashes 95% of its opium supply, Burma’s (Myanmar’s) instability and civil-war like situation makes it the number one hub for opium production. The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) released a report on Tuesday highlighting Myanmar’s startling transformation into the world’s largest hub for opium production. This shift in global opium […]

Chinese Hackers Penetrate Japan’s Defense Networks

Chinese Hackers Penetrate Japan’s Defense Networks

In an alarming revelation, it has come to light that Chinese military hackers infiltrated the classified defense networks of Japan, a vital strategic ally of the United States in East Asia. According to sources, the breach occurred in the fall of 2020 and was not publicly reported until now. The intrusion allowed Chinese cyber operatives […]

In Thailand, the people choose Liberals, kick out Military backed Government

In Thailand, the people choose Liberals, kick out Military backed Government

News from Bangkok is that Thailand is looking for an overhaul as the people voted out the incumbent military backed government, according to news reports of May 15. Thailand’s opposition made it,  trouncing parties allied with the military, setting the stage for r forming a government in to end nearly a decade of conservative, army-backed […]

Natural Disasters prompted by Climate Change displaced more people than War

Natural Disasters prompted by Climate Change displaced more people than War

More people were internally displaced by disasters than by war and conflict, according to a recent report from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), an offshoot of the Norwegian Refugee Council. Nearly 61 million new internal displacements, or movements, were registered in 2022, according to a newly released Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) report, a […]

Is a corrupt Forest Department- Businessman nexus trying to capture 150 Khasi villages in Bangladesh?

Is a corrupt Forest Department- Businessman nexus trying to capture 150 Khasi villages in Bangladesh?

In what appears to be a consistent way of harassing ethnic tribals in Bangladesh, non tribals destroy cash crops and encroach on traditionally held homesteads. Recently, the ethnic Khasi people in northeast Bangladesh have made a police complaint against the management of a tea estate for allegedly destroying a betel leaf plantation, the mainstay of […]

China flexes muscles while India and Friends exercise in South China Sea

China flexes muscles while India and Friends exercise in South China Sea

Boats belonging to a Chinese sea militia approached an area where the navies of India and Asean countries were taking part in drills in the South China Sea, says a Reuter’s report on April 9. The two-day sea phase of the Asean-India Maritime Exercise (AIME 2023) began on Sunday with naval ships and aircraft from […]

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