Facing the Heat: Struggle Amidst a Global Crisis

Facing the Heat: Struggle Amidst a Global Crisis

If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, you’re probably aware that it’s been quite hot. This summer, North India has been no exception, grappling with relentless heat waves that are becoming increasingly unbearable and life-threatening. From record-breaking temperatures to devastating impacts on daily life, the heat is no longer just a discomfort—it’s a clear sign of […]

Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

As a sweltering Patna waits in desperation for some cooling showers, so do folks in civil society and social action long for the next national Census. That mundane yet essential national headcount. One might wonder why the 2021 Census has been delayed so long it’s starting to feel like waiting for Godot. The answer, dear […]

India’s Democratic Triumph: A ‘People’s Victory’ for Now!

India’s Democratic Triumph: A ‘People’s Victory’ for Now!

India, we have risen. A hugely autocratic government has finally fallen! In the 2024 General Elections, we have elected a strong and empowered opposition, a crucial pillar of democracy. Our ‘new government’ is now built on consensus rather than the whims of a single autocrat, embracing shared power over concentrated control. This marks a profound […]

Mourning the Loss, Questioning the System

Mourning the Loss, Questioning the System

As we contemplate the tragic loss of two young lives in Pune, ruthlessly taken by an irresponsible teenager. But while we share the families’ pain, we can’t ignore the glaring flaws in our criminal justice system. If the drunk, reckless rich kid was out of line, what about the Juvenile Justice Board that treated his […]

A Liberal and Inclusive Catholic Church: A Crucial Moment for the German Bishops

A Liberal and Inclusive Catholic Church: A Crucial Moment for the German Bishops

The German Bishops’ Conference has convened once again, and the world watches as this pivotal assembly grapples with the profound challenges facing the Catholic Church in Germany. Amidst the discussions on handling sexual abuse by clergymen and preparations for the Synod on Synodality in Rome, it is the divisive issue of blessing same-sex unions that […]

The Thorny Question of Extraterritorial Actions: India’s Dilemma in the Nijjar Case

The Thorny Question of Extraterritorial Actions: India’s Dilemma in the Nijjar Case

In May 2011, when then-US President Barack Obama announced the successful elimination of Osama Bin Laden by Navy SEALs in Abbottabad, Pakistan, it sent shockwaves around the world. It also raised a contentious question: Did the United States violate Pakistan’s sovereignty by staging the raid? The answer, many argued, was a resounding yes. However, the […]

Parents are more than just Fathers and Mothers!

Parents are more than just Fathers and Mothers!

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, some important things go unnoticed. Perhaps that’s why there’s never enough news about Global Parent’s Day which falls every year on the First of June. The United nations recognized this day in 2012. That makes this year the 10th edition of the day. The United Nations proclaimed […]

Can we keep on sitting on the fence?

Can we keep on sitting on the fence?

No, people who protest aren’t anti-national. Citizens in a democracy elect a government, and the elected government has a ‘dharma’ to safeguard the rights and protect all its citizens, regardless of whether they voted for them or not. One may say that citizens have a right to protest peacefully, and violence will be answered with […]

Why Universities? Developing Character or Cogs?

Why Universities? Developing Character or Cogs?

I attended the First Vinay Kanth Memorial Lecture at the Bharatiya Nritya Kala Mandir conference hall. One reason I went was to ‘catch up’ with familiar faces I knew would be there , ( fully well knowing that most of the catching up would be a wave, a smile, and a nod), but it would […]

What the 377 judgement will mean ….

What the 377 judgement will mean ….

Yesterday evening, a long-lost friend called me up, out of the blue. The very first thing he asked me was, “How do you think the judgement in the 377 case will go?” I answered that I was trying not to think about it. I am yet to get over the brazen way in which a […]

Catholic priests undergo trial by Media for Malankara rite ‘scandal’

Catholic priests undergo trial by Media for Malankara rite ‘scandal’

A few TV channels in India have started a media trial of five priests belonging to the Orthodox Syrian rite, who have been accused of blackmailing a woman for sex. Amid the noise, and the sensation of finally finding some Christian ‘Wolves in Sheep’s clothing preying upon their Flock’, as usual, most TV channels aren’t […]

Is the Indian Constitution being pulled apart, section by section?

Is the Indian Constitution being pulled apart, section by section?

A ‘Save the Constitution, Save the Country’ rally was held on Sunday, attended by some 1500 people in the pouring rain. These folks came from several districts around Patna. They were ordinary folk: daily wage earners, teachers, students, a professor or two, a couple of government employees and so on and so forth.  So, what […]

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