Over the Rainbow at Patna Women’s College

Over the Rainbow at Patna Women’s College

The immortal Judy Garland’s ‘Over the Rainbow’ and The Wonderful Wizard of  Oz took centre stage at Narratives 2017, held in Patna Women’s College at  the Department of Communicative English.

What better way to start three days of exploring the messages in the media than by having the best guitarist in the world , Eric Clapton opening the workshop with his soulful rendition of ‘Somewhere over the rainbow?’, to have Madonna address the students with her now iconic, “I’m a bad feminist” speech?

The 22nd Annual Media Workshop is a two days workshop curated by The Department Of Communicative English With Media Studies, aimed at encouraging students to examine and discuss messages and their meaning in various forms of contemporary audio and visual media.

The theme for this year is ‘OVER THE RAINBOW’.

The proceedings began with the recital of Saint Teresa of Calcutta’s favourite prayer ‘Make me an instrument of your Peace.

The first session was the screening of a short documentary film by Bihar filmmaker Anand K (done in docu-drama style) titled ‘To Whomsoever it may Concern’. The film raised questions about those living on the margins who have been further disempowered by Bihar’s Alcohol ban, a complex problem indeed.

The messages of activism and contemporary issues of gender equality and gender variance in music videos  were discussed, ( Little game by Benny Pierce, Boys in the street by Greg Holden, Define me by Ryan Amador, Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez, Girl on fire by Alicia Keys).

Professors Shanker Dutt and Muniba Sami, two of the best known academicians in Bihar graced the occasion and summed up the various sessions. Ms Abhiruchi, assistant director of ‘To whom it may concern’ conducted Q&A the session on the film.

-based on Press Release