The Governor of PWC reminded the young women of their destiny to build a new India, and the responsibility to make India- free of communal disharmony and lynching.
Patna Women’s College founded by Bishop Sullivan in 1940 celebrated its Founder’s day (August 22). It is the first women’s college in Bihar.
Most Reverend Archbishop William D’Souza SJ, the Governor of PWC, addressed a gathering of students and staff members, saying that PWC has empowered thousands of women in 77 years.”
He mentioned the Independence Day speech of PM Narendra Modi and said that he agreed with thoughts expressed in the PM’s independence Day speech and the dream of a New India.
He said he looked forward to a New India where farmers and teachers were respected, where extreme poverty was gone, and everyone had dignity, but it was in the hands of the young people to build that new India.
He said that Patna Women’s College provided empowerment to thousands of women over the years.

He also reminded youth while saying that young people were in fact the future of India and since 60 per cent of India’s population was under the age of 35 and it was the responsibility of the youth to dream of the kind of India they wanted. An India where everyone can live in peace and harmony, where all the sections of the society can develop equally and an India free of “communal disharmony and of news of lynching.”
He asked students to imagine what their New India would be and to then work hard for their dreams to come true.
Earlier, PWC Principal Rev Sr Marie Jessie AC, in her welcome address spoke about how a selfless attitude, and open heart can lead one towards destiny. She spoke of the vision of the founder of Patna Wome’s college, Bishop Bernard Sullivan SJ, who was a true pioneer for the higher education of women.

Over the years, PWC can boast of many ‘first women’ and famous women who have passed through its hallowed portals. For example, the first woman commercial pilot Durba Banerjee (Indian Airlines in 1956 and the first Indian woman to become a Commander in the F27 turbo prop Aircraft).
Prepared by Newsnet Intern Deedar with inputs from Newsdesk
I also want india to be free from all discriminations it is regional,communal or anything else…and the most importantly it should be Rape free country, where people respect women..and Women get also freedom like men…And there should be a strict punishment for the Rapist…As they can’t think again for Rape…And forget What is Rape?.
I also dream of India would be a place where every citizen enjoys true freedom of equality. People are looked down because of their caste and religious, it should be a place where no discrimination is done.
yes, i agree with what the Governor of PWC said- it is the youth ‘the future of nation’ who has to decide about the dream India and no doubt being a youth I want my India to be free with communal and religious conflicts, where people respect each other, where women are not being raped, where there is peace all around.