The newest Jedi Knight of Calcutta

The newest Jedi Knight of Calcutta

The most striking thing about Saint Teresa of Calcutta is her simple slogan and sign language used when asked why on earth she was doing what she did… scrounging for souls in the blackest alleyways the world over.  Her answer, five fingers of her tiny palm spread out, practically in your face would be : […]

Patna Women’s College: Loss of Innocence

Patna Women’s College: Loss of Innocence

Frank Krishner asks some searching questions, it’s for the College Administration to find the answers! The past few days have been particularly traumatic for the ‘veteran’ professors of Patna Women’s College. Why? Because there is this overpowering sense of a loss of innocence. The students, with some tacit support from inside and outside forces (one […]

The Seven Sisters are not a quiet, peaceful, hymn singing bunch!

The North East of India has been a troubled region long before I was born. Grandparents in the region tell us of the 1950s when India literally waged a war against the tribal areas, using all kinds of tactics to consolidate their power after the British left. Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Aruncahal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and recently […]

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