कम सीसी बाइक पर रोक = ज्यादा प्रदूषण ?

कम सीसी बाइक पर रोक = ज्यादा प्रदूषण ?

सरकार उठाने जा रही हैअनोखा कदम , 150 सीसी एवं उससे कम सीसी की बाइक्स पर लगेगी रोक हमारी सरकार एक अनूठा कदम उठाने जा रही है , जिसके अंतर्गत नॉन इलेक्ट्रिक 3 पहिया वाहन और नॉन इलेक्ट्रिक 2 पहिया वाहनों की बिक्री जिसके इंजन की छमता 150 सीसी या उससे कम सीसी की है […]

Sand and sun, summer holiday has begun!

Sand and sun, summer holiday has begun!

41° C temperature, sun shining brightly on the head, scorching heat, sweaty body, is the condition of the city. People are distressed because of heat and humidity and are using every possible measure to deal with it. Going out of the house is like fighting a battle with the heat waves; still people have to […]

One lakh of mushars denied of voting right

One lakh of mushars denied of voting right

Dalits have always been the disadvantaged community. They are always deprived of their rights and thus for them the right to equality is just a word for them. In a recent incident the Kushinagar-Deoria Mushar (rat catcher) resident are living in constant fear as they have been beaten, their women are mistreated, their ration and […]

Looming water crisis

Looming water crisis

In the population of 1.3 billion people in India one out of every ten people does not get access to clean drinking water. According to world resource institute almost 600 million people in India are at high risk of being unable to continue relying on surface water especially in northwest and south. According to a […]

The guardians of nature under threat

The guardians of nature under threat

Where India has been facing a massive climate change due to excessive deforestation in cities and small towns due to industrialization and infrastructure building; this atmosphere destruction can be halted by the indigenous people living in the forest by their local and ancestral knowledge but unfortunately they are being chased out of their native land […]

No more chemical pesticides in Uttrakhand

No more chemical pesticides in Uttrakhand

The hill farmers of Uttrakhand have to give away their chemical pesticides as the government has asked them to adopt organic farming. In the run to save Ganga the scheme of organic farming has been introduced by the government to keep Ganga free from toxic chemicals. This scheme will also help the farmers to increase […]

A mother’s love never ages

A mother’s love never ages

The moment we entered the house the only person we look for the first is “Maa”. Happy, sad, irritated or hungry; mother is the solution to all our problems. She is the mixture of care, love, sacrifice, emotions, power, strength and all for us.     Looking into the Hindu mythological mother we can find different […]

Streams of emotions:last day of college

Streams of emotions:last day of college

The most adventurous part of any students’ life is college life. Bunking lectures to hangout with friends, giving weird names to teachers and friends, kicking up a ruckus in the canteen, singing the “good morning song” for our HOD, proxy attendance for friends and what not……with the struggle to maintain 75% attendance and to meet […]

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