Is this a real democracy?

Is this a real democracy?

Sir, India is a democratic country. We the people of India elect our own government and give the chosen political  party power to work for the well-being of the nation. Our constitution has given us six fundamental rights to save and protect the interest of people. There is a lot more  good about India and the […]

Shout out for Wildlife

Shout out for Wildlife

Imagine the world without any wildlife. How will the life be? Is it possible to survive without wildlife? Actually No, not at all. We all know that for the balance of the nature it is very important that we protect and save our wildlife. It is an intrinsic part of our life. It contributes to […]

Come together for Zero Discrimination…

Come together for Zero Discrimination…

Do we discriminate against our neighbours? Think about it on ZERO DISCRIMINATION DAY. (That’s today!) March 1 is celebrated as Zero Discrimination Day and it is very important for people and especially people living in India. Being a large country with large population, India is the land of many languages, it is only in India […]

Bihar Mahila Samaj calls out Politician-Patriarchy nexus

Bihar Mahila Samaj calls out Politician-Patriarchy nexus

Is the present political scenario promoting regressive patriarchy under the guise of  pseudo ‘Nationalism’  ‘Religious sentiment’ ‘Hindutva’? To what extent are all politcal parties guilty of gender discrimination? These were some of the questions thrown up at an action packed gathering of women. On 27th February Bihar Mahila Samaj conducted its 10th State level meeting […]

National Science Day focus on ‘Specially Abled’

National Science Day focus on ‘Specially Abled’

How does Science and Technology benefit the Physically challenged and Specially Abled people? This is the theme for the 2017 National Science Day.   National  Science Day is celebrated on the 28th February  every year to commemorate the Indian physicist, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman and his discovery of what is called  ‘the Raman Scattering’ (inelastic […]

World Say of Social Justice: Bridging the Gap !

The gap between the poorest and the wealthiest around the world is wide and growing. The world day of social justice recognises the need to promote efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion and unemployment. Social justice is underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. On 20th February we celebrate World day of Social […]

Rise! 2017- A Billion celebrate Women and Love

Rise! 2017- A Billion celebrate Women and Love

Today in Patna on Valentine’s Day some four thousand women ( and a sprinkling of men and transgenders ) from all walks of life  gathered to celebrate “One Billion Rising” at Bihar Vidyapeeth near the historic Sadaquat Ashram (where freedom movement started). This year in 2017, one billion rising is focusing on the exploitation of […]

Shout out for Radio

Shout out for Radio

Sir, 13th February is celebrated as ‘World Radio Day’ by people all over the globe. Started in the year 2012 World Radio Day is in its sixth year. It is recognized as an International Day by the United Nations (UN). Despite being a 100 year old medium, radio continues to be one of the most […]

Beach erosion is worrying in India

Beach erosion is worrying in India

Panaji (Goa):  Researchers from across the country met in Visakhapatnam to deliberate on the recent advances and studies conducted on beach erosion with special focus on Andhra Pradesh. The workshop on ‘Recent Advances and Future Studies on the Coastal Processes and Beach Erosion’, with a special emphasis on Andhra coast, was organised on Wednesday (Feb […]

High time to pay heed to the plight of women farmers

High time to pay heed to the plight of women farmers

What picture comes to one’s mind when he/she thinks of the word ‘farmer’? Predominantly that of  a male figure, working in a field or ploughing the land. The word ‘farmer’ has a very masculine connotation and most often associated with men. But surprisingly women farmers comprise a substantial proportion of the agricultural workforce in India. […]

Police bust 37 billion rupee Internet Scam

Police bust 37 billion rupee Internet Scam

NEW DELHI: Don’t fall for crazy internet offers! Over six lakh people have been cheated by a cyber con in India.  Indian police have busted an Internet scam in which around 650,000 people lost a combined 37 billion rupees after sending money to a company that promised they would earn cash by clicking on web […]

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