Jesuit activist and social rights campaigner Cedric Prakash SJ examines the latest action in Gujarat against a shelter run by the MC sisters: State actors are trying to implicate the nuns for ‘frauduent and forced conversion’. It is been happening with frightening regularity all over India and particularly in States run by the Bhartiya Janata […]
Hundreds of migrant workers in the states of Delhi and Kerala have been linked to a special Government portal that will give them access to various government services across the country, thanks to an initiative by the Jesuit Conference of India, and more will follow. The campaign started by the Migrant Assistance and Information Network […]
Apostolic Nuncio to India Archbishop Leopoldo Girelli was given a rousing welcome during his first visit to The Queen of Apostles Parish in the Kurji locality of Patna, the largest parish in Patna Archdiocese. A special escort of honour escorted the car carrying the Papal Nuncio from the Seva Kendra complex to the Queen of […]
Now there’s a computer font based on St. Teresa of Avila’s handwriting Fr. Martín Larios scanned the saint’s writing so we can type exactly as she wrote. Want to write like a saint? Now you can, thanks to the work of a Carmelite priest who has created a computer font based on the actual handwriting […]
The new front for confrontation against ‘Conversions to Christianity’ is opening up along India’s North-western border, as a leading Sikh cleric accuses ‘Christian missionaries’ of ‘aggressive proselytisation’ and vows to stem the tide. Even as Archbishop Peter Machado of Bangalore and various Christian leaders have condemned the continuous harassment on the Christian Missionaries in Karnataka […]
On this World Food Day- 16th October- Human Rights campaigner Fr Cedric Prakash SJ – gives us serious food for thought. Come 16 October – and the world once again is together as one, to focus on the most basic need for a person’s survival: food! The first ‘World Food Day’ was observed in 1994, […]
A prominent and retired Church of England bishop once tipped to become a future Archbishop of Canterbury has been received into the Catholic Church, and is set to be ordained as a deacon on October 28, and a priest on October 30 this year. Former Anglican bishop of Rochester, Michael Nazir-Ali was received into the […]
On Sunday, the 17th of October, Dioceses all over the world [including our own] will inaugurate the Diocesan phase of Sixteenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, it is the first phase of the synod that will conclude with the Bishops Synod in Rome in October 2023. Fr Cedric Prakash SJ reflects on […]
बिहार वाटर डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी एक निर्लाभ संगठन है। जिसकी स्थापना सन् 1967 में हुई थी। इसका कार्यालय सेवा केंद्र, कुर्जी, पटना में स्थित है। यह संस्था लगभग हर छेत्र जैसे महिला एवं बाल विकास, युवा कौशल, आपदा प्रबंधन, ग्राम विकास आदि में अपना सहयोग दे रही है। बिहार वाटर डेवलपमेंट सोसायटी यानी BWDS के द्वारा […]
The gloves are off now, Evangelical Christian prayer services attacked, pastors hauled up and questioned by the police, neighbours calling up the police and filing serious complaints, all happening in various small locations across the country. Is it the Hindu hardliners outrage against aggressive proselyting? Or is it stage one of a more ‘action packed’ […]
“The Church is having to learn to operate much as the early Church in the book of Acts — under the continual threat of persecution,” says Release International CEO Paul Robinson. UK based Release International supports Christians around the world who have been forced to flee because of their faith. Christians in Afghanistan have been […]
Last week in the district of Kandhamal in Odisha four families were kicked out of their own houses. The reason for this was their faith. Their houses were demolished and they were not allowed to access common public resources, such as the village well. Because of this hostile environment some of them had to flee […]