Newsnet One is in session!

Newsnet One is in session!

The first of May is Workers’ Day, and a fit time to start off the next round of NEWSNET ONE sessions. This website becomes active as a training ground for those who want to pick up communication skills every summer. It’s hot, there’s an election in the air, and several other things happening around us. […]

Great Beer (oops) Bihar Election

Great Beer (oops) Bihar Election

The Great Bihar election is undoubtedly the event of the year, even the coming Puja festival pales in significance. To ensure that polling in Bihar goes smoothly has always been a challenge for the administration and election Commission alike. In Bhagalpur district, a vast area with a volatile mix of castes and communities, and known […]

Patna Women’s College: Loss of Innocence

Patna Women’s College: Loss of Innocence

Frank Krishner asks some searching questions, it’s for the College Administration to find the answers! The past few days have been particularly traumatic for the ‘veteran’ professors of Patna Women’s College. Why? Because there is this overpowering sense of a loss of innocence. The students, with some tacit support from inside and outside forces (one […]

Why Modi’s MHRD can’t spare Rs 10 crores for Bihar’s best Women’s empowerment program

Why Modi’s MHRD can’t spare Rs 10 crores for Bihar’s best Women’s empowerment program

Perhaps the largest of India’s women’s liberal education and empowerment movements, fuelled by the government if India in 1990, is being quietly throttled to death by the Narendra Modi government. Mahila Samakhya may end up singing its swan song even as it celebrates its silver jubilee year, with the centre first procrastinating, and then reluctantly […]

APJ: India’s Atheist, Bachelor, long haired-lover

APJ: India’s Atheist, Bachelor, long haired-lover

PJ Abdul Kalam was buried today. He died in action. Contributing towards education with his last breath, in a manner of speaking. He led a remarkable life. From an ordinary, poor Muslim household, he educated himself to become a well known engineer, beloved of the hawks, who christened him with the nickname, ‘The missile man’ […]

The Seven Sisters are not a quiet, peaceful, hymn singing bunch!

The North East of India has been a troubled region long before I was born. Grandparents in the region tell us of the 1950s when India literally waged a war against the tribal areas, using all kinds of tactics to consolidate their power after the British left. Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Aruncahal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and recently […]



Welcome to NEWSNET ONE, where people are news. NewsNET East undergoes a process of renewal: a new beginning, in a manner of speaking. Our core values haven’t changed, now they are just better defined. The tagline I coined almost a two decades ago “Breaking barriers, Building Community” remains. It was with this vision that I […]