Viganò Excommunication: Painful, but Necessary

Viganò Excommunication: Painful, but Necessary

Pope Francis’ Leadership: Strength in Openness Over the past decade, Pope Francis has garnered both admiration and criticism for his open, candid, and gentle approach. Some view these traits as weaknesses that emboldened opponent factions within the Church. Recent actions suggest a different interpretation. The excommunication of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò leaves no doubt of […]

Vatican Excommunicates former Nuncio Viganò

Vatican Excommunicates former Nuncio Viganò

Vatican Takes Unprecedented Step In a rare and severe move, the Vatican has excommunicated Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, one of Pope Francis’s harshest critics. This action comes after Viganò repeatedly refused to recognize Pope Francis’s authority and criticized the liberal reforms of the Catholic Church since the 1960s. Background on Archbishop Viganò Archbishop Viganò, a […]