आजकल शहर में कई तरह की दिक्कतें हो रही है, जिस वजह से आम आदमी को परेशानी झेलनी पड़ रही है। गलत पार्किंग और सड़कों के किनारे फुटपाथ पर लगी दुकानों की वजह से जाम लग जाते है। लोग बिना हेलमेट के गाड़ी चलाकर नियमों का उलंघन कर रहे है यह तो समस्या है ही […]
Auto! The word itself paints the canvas in our minds with multiple experiences that we have had in the past while travelling in a public conveyance of Auto-rickshaw, popularly addressed as Auto in our city of Patna. Travelling in auto-rickshaw can be an occasional experience for few while for others it may be their daily […]
Experience sharing By KATIE By KATIE Since I have been here in South Asia, I have discovered everything is completely different from anything I’ve known before. The language, food, architecture, culture, people, dress and the transportation all are different than in the States. For instance, in the United States, we have a lot of traffic […]