98 year old survives Covid-19

He’s 98, ‘ survived imprisonment and hardship for being a Catholic and now he’s China’s ‘rock-star Corona Virus Survivor ‘. Bishop Joseph Zhu Baoyu of Nanyang, China, is 98 years old. He fell ill with pneumonia from Covid-19 (the coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China) on February 3. On February 12 he tested negative, and […]

Patna Archbishop: Church cannot be silent in the face of discrimination

Patna Archbishop: Church cannot be silent in the face of discrimination

Patna, Bihar: The Catholic archbishop of Patna has finally broken his silence, and in a pastoral letter to Catholics in Patna Archdiocese has made it clear that the Church stands for the fundamental principles of the Constitution and a non-discriminatory and humane policy towards refugees. Preparations are underway for a stand -in and candlelight demonstration […]

Spain to legalize assisted suicide, Pope condemns the move

Spain to legalize assisted suicide, Pope condemns the move

Madrid, Spain: After Spain’s socialist party tried and failed twice last year to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide, the lower house of the country’s parliament has now voted to consider a bill that would legalize the practices in certain circumstances. According to Spanish newspaper El País, the bill was approved for consideration in the 350-seat […]

Hail Mary for Syria, Salt and Light …

Hail Mary for Syria, Salt and Light …

In his Angelus address on Sunday, Pope Francis urged Christians to live the “presence and testimony” as “salt” and “light” in the world. “Jesus,” he explained, “invited us not to be afraid to live in the world, even if sometimes there are conditions of conflict and sin in it.” Following the Angelus, the pontiff prayed […]

Italian Bishop reports ‘abusive’ clerics to Police

Italian Bishop reports ‘abusive’ clerics to Police

In what is being spoken of as a ‘historical first’, a bishop has gone to Italy’s  civil authorities to denounce priests and religious brothers accused of sexually abusing minors. Bishop Giovanni Nerbini has broken ranks with the men who lead Italy’s other 225 dioceses. Nerbini, who is bishop of the Diocese of Prato just 16 […]

What Kobe and daughter did before the fatal crash

What Kobe and daughter did before the fatal crash

Sir, As a basketball fan, I would like to share some information about the late great superstar Kobe Bryant. Sure, he was a human being with faults. There was that one incident that got media attention ‘adultery-rape’ case, which he survived. But Kobe changed, for the better. Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, went […]

Basketball superstar, Kobe: a practicing Catholic!

Basketball superstar, Kobe: a practicing Catholic!

The sudden death of Sports superstar Kobe Bryant in a is being mourned the world over, and specially by Catholics who knew him as a good man. Hours before he died (Sunday Jan 26), basketball superstar Kobe Bryant attended Mass at Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church in Newport Beach, California. His parish is […]

Patna Diocese Celebrates tolerance, diversity on 100th Birthday

Patna Diocese Celebrates tolerance, diversity on 100th Birthday

Catholics across India , be they clergy, religious or laity, give witness to the Lord Jesus by leading lives of compassion, service and peace. When non-Catholic brothers and sisters who observe their lives and worship wish to lead similar lives, they are free to do so, said Most reverend Leo Cornello, Archbishop of Bhopal in […]

Pope brings 8 ‘candidates’ closer to Sainthood

Pope brings 8 ‘candidates’ closer to Sainthood

Pope Francis took 8 candidates a step closer to sainthood, among them, Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, Archbishop of Warsaw, known for his heroic stand against Nazism and Communism, according to a bulletin on Vatican radio.  The Pope, on October 2, received in audience Cardinal Angelo Becciu, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of […]

Vasai Archbishop says dialogue, not reaction is the response to VHP

Vasai Archbishop says dialogue, not reaction is the response to VHP

ROME – Archbishop Felix Machado of Vasai has urged Christians and the church to engage in ‘dialogue’ with right-wing political and religious forces in India. Watching what’s happening in his country today, Machado believes the need for real conversation with the Hindu majority is more urgent than ever. Speaking to a newspaper in Rome, Archbishop […]

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