While Manipur Burns

While Manipur Burns

To say that ‘Manipur is burning’ is not merely a gross understatement, but belies the terrible reality which has gripped the tiny State in North-East India since the third of May, writes Peace Activist Cedric Prakash SJ: For almost fifty days now, Manipur has been experiencing unprecedented violence and mayhem; more than one hundred people […]



In this opinion piece, Fr Cedric Prakash SJ touches upon several events that have occurred in the first two weeks of May, most disturbingly the violence in Manipur, also asking some searching questoins The first eleven days of May 2023 have, in many ways, been a defining period of Indian history. Plenty has happened in […]

Karnataka: Will there be Winds of Change?

Karnataka: Will there be Winds of Change?

Peace activist Cedric Prakash writes this piece as the state of Karnataka pauses before election Day. Several people have predicted that winds of change are blowing, but what are the issues? Karnataka has gone silent today after a high velocity and vicious election campaign. With Assembly Elections 2023 just a couple of days away on […]

Selling One’s Soul!

Selling One’s Soul!

In this hard hitting reflection, Cedric Prakash discusses ‘The betrayal of Christ and Constitution‘.  For the past couple of days, electronic and print mainstream media in the country, have been highlighting the public ‘promise’ made by the Archbishop of Tellicherry.  During a  protest rally of some Catholic rubber farmers  he offered to help the BJP […]

India Cries for Justice, Is Anyone listening?

India Cries for Justice, Is Anyone listening?

In India, the cries for justice, are becoming louder and longer! They come from different segments of society and particularly from those who continue to be exploited and excluded! These cries are heart-rending: anyone with an iota of conscience will hear them! The sad and tragic reality is that these cries will remain unheard; those […]

Celebrating the Republic @74

Celebrating the Republic @74

At a Press Conference held in Delhi on 18 January, the Government spokesman said, “The Nation will celebrate its 74th Republic Day on January 26, 2023.  The celebrations include the traditional march past at Kartavya Path comprising a grand parade by the contingents of the Armed Forces & Paramilitary Forces; tableaux display by the States and […]

Freedom @ 75! Whose?

Freedom @ 75! Whose?

 Today is the 15th of August, India’s Independence Day. We carry a piece by Peace Activist and writer Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ, who asks a few searching questions that thinking citizens should ponder about. The article has been slightly edited for clarity- Editor. The official lines on this ongoing festival of Independence state, “Azadi Ka […]

Is the Indian Church serious about Lay Collaboration?

Is the Indian Church serious about Lay Collaboration?

‘It is ‘Laity Sunday’ once again on 26 June! A time for the Church once again to introspect and to see whether the much flaunted ‘lay collaboration’ actually exists in reality or not!‘ says Fr Cedric Prakash SJ In a highly clerical and patriarchal Church, which has stubbornly refused to accept in toto the changes […]

Is ‘Hate Speech’ being mainstreamed in India?

Is  ‘Hate Speech’ being mainstreamed in India?

Social rights activist and writer CEDRIC PRAKASH SJ reminds us that June 18 is the very first INTERNATIONAL DAY for COUNTERING HATE SPEECH The decision by the United Nations General Assembly to declare 18 June as the International Day for Countering Hate Speech (beginning this year 2022) is significant. It comes at a special moment […]

33 Konkani Associations honour ‘Fearless Cedric’

33 Konkani Associations honour ‘Fearless Cedric’

The Federation of Konkani Catholic Associations (FKCA) has announced that  Jesuit Priest and Human Rights and Peace activist and writer  Father Cedric Prakash is to be honoured with the Lifetime Achievement Award. Social activists and human rights campaigners are very familiar with the name of Cedric Prakash. He is a Jesuit working in Gujarat. He […]