India’s Democratic Triumph: A ‘People’s Victory’ for Now!

India’s Democratic Triumph: A ‘People’s Victory’ for Now!

India, we have risen. A hugely autocratic government has finally fallen! In the 2024 General Elections, we have elected a strong and empowered opposition, a crucial pillar of democracy. Our ‘new government’ is now built on consensus rather than the whims of a single autocrat, embracing shared power over concentrated control. This marks a profound […]

Big Business hopes You voted for Modi!

Big Business hopes You voted for Modi!

This isn’t a rant about the undeniable fact that the Indian media landscape is dominated by a few powerful conglomerates, many of which have notable connections to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). But let’s get that out of the way first. Reliance Industries Limited has a significant presence in Indian media through its subsidiary, Network18. […]

Voters should heed Ambedkar: ‘Bhakti the sure road to Dictatorship’

Voters should heed Ambedkar: ‘Bhakti the sure road to Dictatorship’

By Cedric Prakash In a short time from now, the Election Commission of India (ECI) is expected to announce the General Elections 2024! This is a watershed moment for the country and the outcome of the elections will certainly determine the future, particularly the nation’s commitment to its Constitution and the future of our democracy! […]

Karnataka: Will there be Winds of Change?

Karnataka: Will there be Winds of Change?

Peace activist Cedric Prakash writes this piece as the state of Karnataka pauses before election Day. Several people have predicted that winds of change are blowing, but what are the issues? Karnataka has gone silent today after a high velocity and vicious election campaign. With Assembly Elections 2023 just a couple of days away on […]

Bihar polls the most NOTA votes

Bihar polls the most NOTA votes

Bihar is in the no 1 ranking! The state registered about 8 lakh NOTA votes. That means, about 8 lakh people went to polling booths and recorded their disappointment and rejection of all the candidates.  In 17 constituencies, the NOTA vote share was above 2%. “It’s not surprising at all,” said Manoj Patel, a voter […]

Water not a matter of concern for politicians

Water not a matter of concern for politicians

Elections are over and now we are waiting for the results but the issue that is very important but did not receive attention in the election campaigns of all major parties is the country’s growing water crisis. According to a report by NITI Aayog, our country is “suffering from the worst water crisis in its history”. It […]

One lakh of mushars denied of voting right

One lakh of mushars denied of voting right

Dalits have always been the disadvantaged community. They are always deprived of their rights and thus for them the right to equality is just a word for them. In a recent incident the Kushinagar-Deoria Mushar (rat catcher) resident are living in constant fear as they have been beaten, their women are mistreated, their ration and […]

Is media earning a bad name?

Is media earning a bad name?

Caste and religion has been always used as trump cards in Indian politics, when nothing works these two always do. Our society has always been divided in the name of caste and religion by the politicians for their vote bank. But not only politicians, media have also been playing an active role in widening the […]

Braving all odds, TG stands for elections

Braving all odds, TG stands for elections

Gender has nothing to do with ability but the stereotypical thought process of the Indian society has always discriminated on gender and when it comes on transgender the condition is worst. People think that transgender cannot do anything. We are citizens of India and voting is our right and that is the importance of elections […]

देश आगे बढ़ रहा, लोग पीछे रह जा रहे

देश आगे बढ़ रहा, लोग पीछे रह जा रहे

आखिर चुनाव क्यो किए जाते है ? जो पार्टियां सत्ता मे नहीं है, उनकी शिकायत यह रहती है की सरकार कुछ नही कर रही है, इससे हटाना जरूरी है। सरकार बदल जाती है तो दूसरी पार्टियां यही राग अलापने लगती है। जिस आम आदमी का नाम लेकर सब होता रहता है, उसका कही अता-पता नही, […]

हरिजन टोला आज भी भेदभाव से ग्रसीत- कुर्कीहर

हरिजन टोला आज भी भेदभाव से ग्रसीत- कुर्कीहर

बिहार चुनाव  मे 11 अप्रैल को कर रहे मतदान मे औरंगाबाद, नालंदा और जमुई के साथ गया  15 लाख मतदाताओं में से 30.33% प्रतिशत मतदान करनेवाले अनुसूचित जाति (एससी) के लिए आरक्षित एक निर्वाचन क्षेत्र  है   इस गाँव में कीचड़ वाली गली के बाईं ओर, राजगीर के रास्ते में वजीरगंज से थोड़ा आगे, गया […]

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