Himalayan Glaciers Melting at Double Speed

Himalayan Glaciers Melting at Double Speed

Due to the mounting temperature, there is a big threat to Himalayan six hundred glaciers.  A study  claims that the melting speed of the glaciers has doubled. Loss of Water :According to a research published in the Science Advanceage Journal, between the years of 1975 and 2000, the glacier was decreasing 10 inches per year, […]

Brown Clouds blacken Himalayas

Brown Clouds blacken Himalayas

During the dry winter season from October until May every year, the heavily populated Indo-Gangetic Plain is plagued by severe air pollution. In recent years, people in India and Nepal have suffered from periods of suffocating air pollution, known scientifically as Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABCs). In 2015 India’s air pollution levels overtook China’s. According to […]

Save the Himalayas, scrap huge projects for small off-grid ones!

Save the Himalayas, scrap huge projects for small off-grid ones!

Why go for huge hydel projects that are destroying the Himalayas? Why not develop smaller’off-grid’ units?  Why have bijli projects destabilize Arunachal Pradesh? India  would do well to integrate off-grid with grid options in their quest to achieve universal electrification, says a new study. “The governments prefer to extend the grid even to those regions […]