The media is being threatened again for doing their job. The Aadhaar issuer has filed a police complaint against The Tribune newspaper and one of its reporters over an exposé on how the cards’ data were selling for Rs 500. Is the government (official )machinery deploying intimidation tactics to deter the press from doing its […]
From our school days we were told that democracy is a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the hands of people and exercise by them or by their representatives under a free electoral system. But after coming into a practical world; I feel that the term democracy is becoming vague […]
New Delhi: Devendra Jhajharia has became the first paralympian to be recommended for India’s highest sporting honour — the Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna — along with celebrated former hockey captain Sardar Singh. Javelin thrower Jhajharia, the first Indian to win two Paralympic gold medals, was the first choice of the awards selection committee headed by […]
Vishwa Shanti Sansad: Parliament for World Peace will be held at Patna starting tomorrow August 4. Bihar is the right place to begin a healing campaign that will strive to curb the darkness of discord in the name of religion. ‘Vishwa Shanti Sansad-2017’ on 4th & 5th August 2017 at Patna is the first meeting […]
Pukekohe (New Zealand): Question for sports-loving readers: Who is Sunita Lakra? You have heard of her, right? India’s premier defender in women’s hockey has just completed playing 100 international matches. India’s premier defender Sunita Lakra completed the milestone of playing 100 international matches for the country, when she took field against New Zealand in the […]
Over the years, social scientists and tribal activists in India have observed what appears to be a systematic scheme to move tribal people off their lands. Human rights organisations and a broad segment of social workers have observed how in the past few years, tribal communities are being systematically alienated from their traditional land holdings, […]
NEW DELHI: Don’t fall for crazy internet offers! Over six lakh people have been cheated by a cyber con in India. Indian police have busted an Internet scam in which around 650,000 people lost a combined 37 billion rupees after sending money to a company that promised they would earn cash by clicking on web […]
New Delhi, Seven blasts rocked the north- eastern states of Assam and Manipur on the occasion of Republic Day today even as celebrations were held in other parts of the country with the states showcasing their cultural diversity and the might of security forces. Five serial blasts by anti-talk ULFA (Independent) shook upper Assam as […]
New Delhi, Jan 15 (PTI) A three-member committee headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meet tomorrow to decide on the chief of the country’s premier probe agency CBI. The post of CBI director is lying vacant for over one month following Anil Sinha’s retirement on December 2. At present, Gujarat-cadre IPS officer Rakesh Asthana is […]
New Delhi: Is all this shoving the country towards a cashless economy really safe? That’s the question thrown up by a Parliamentary Standing Committee. Is data transfer on these new ‘pockets’ and ‘wallets applications really safe, or will new users find that their bank accounts are broken into by hackers? Do we have proper laws […]
Good news for those who are applying for passports. The Government of India has simplified some of the rules and procedures. The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) has made several changes to the existing passport rules in order to “streamline, liberalise and ease the process of issue of passport.” The biggest of these is the […]
It’s a bit of good news on a gloomy day. Physically and mentally challenged people now have a piece of legislation that gives them more protection. A usually divided house united for a few moments to pass the Disabilities Bill. For the first time since the Winter session began on November 16, Rajya Sabha on […]