Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

As a sweltering Patna waits in desperation for some cooling showers, so do folks in civil society and social action long for the next national Census. That mundane yet essential national headcount. One might wonder why the 2021 Census has been delayed so long it’s starting to feel like waiting for Godot. The answer, dear […]

Brutality, politics, PR gimmicks

Brutality, politics, PR gimmicks

On 14th September 2020, we witnessed a heinous crime. A 19-year-old Dalit girl was brutally gang-raped by four men from the so-called “Upper Caste” in Hathras. The girl is no more as she passed away later that night. Also, it was claimed that the body of the victim was burned into ashes without the family’s […]

Hate groups and criminals killed Bihar Teen, say police

Hate groups and criminals killed Bihar Teen, say police

Lat Friday (January3) Two men affiliated to fringe Hindu outfits red-flagged by police were among six arrested in Patna for the murder of a teenager whose body was found on December 31 — ten days after he was last seen participating in an RJD protest against the CAA and NRC with a Tricolour in his […]

Masked Goons attack students inside JNU University

Masked Goons attack students inside JNU University

NEW DELHI, Jan 5 – Violence swept the Jawaharlal Nehru University here on Sunday as several masked individuals, both male and female, thrashed students, including girls, and teachers inside the varsity campus with wooden and metal rods. Masked men wielding sticks, rods and sledgehammers terrorised Jawaharlal Nehru University for close to three hours on Sunday […]

No more Anglo-Indian MLAs and MPs?

No more Anglo-Indian MLAs and MPs?

Glen Galstaun is set to go down in history as the last Anglo-Indian MLA of Jharkhand. 24 days from now, we will not have an Anglo-Indian MLA. George Baker and Richard Hay represented the community in Parliament during 2014-2019. Quietly, the Modi Government has removed legislative representation of one of India’s vibrant micro-minorities. On Wednesday, […]

New Nationalism: Foreign MPs can visit Kashmir, Indian MPs can’t!

New Nationalism: Foreign MPs can visit Kashmir, Indian MPs can’t!

The Diwali fireworks have hardly died down, and there’s a new ‘dhamaka’ on ‘New India’s political scenario. We’ve heard that some foreign lawmakers are starting off on a trip to Kashmir! The question being asked widely is this:  Why is the Indian Government allowing MPs from the European Parliament to visit Jammu & Kashmir, when […]

Bihar police drop sedition case against 49 personalities

Bihar police drop sedition case against 49 personalities

Frivolous cases to harass people filed in district courts just to curry favour with the ruling dispensation do not cut ice with some police officers, such as  Senior Superintendent of Police Manoj Sinha of Muzaffarpur. The Muzaffarpur police on Wednesday (October 9) ordered closure of a  case lodged against 49 personalities on charges of sedition […]

Late Nizam’s stash of cash to come to India

Late Nizam’s stash of cash to come to India

‘Twas a ‘Battle Royale’ between India and Pakistan that took almost 69 years. An indecisive Nizam of Hyderabad, once the richest man in the world and his heirs, the Indian Government, and the Pakistan High Commission being the interested parties. A London court has ruled that £35m ($42m) held in a UK bank account must […]

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