India Today: worse than Indira’s ‘Emergency’

India Today: worse than Indira’s ‘Emergency’

[Cedric Prakash, in his latest opinion piece, reflects on the current happenings in the country- Editor] Don’t Forget the Emergency India will and should never forget that infamous night of 25/26 June 1975, when, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had a state of emergency declared all over the country. During that dark chapter of […]

True Horror: the Cancer Vial Killers

True Horror: the Cancer Vial Killers

The scariest horror stories are not on Netflix and the multiplexes, they’re lurking outside our very houses, in the shadows. Have you heard of the ‘fake cancer drug racket’, busted about 3 months ago? It must have been drowned out with all the ‘election news’ which hogged prime time. Yesterday, (July 17), three months after […]

Celebrating the Spirit of Stan Swamy

Celebrating the Spirit of Stan Swamy

By Cedric Prakash SJ When on 5 July 2021, the fascist regime of India, killed Jesuit Fr. Stan Swamy, they succeeded only in destroying the frail body of an 84-year-old Catholic Priest. Today, three years after that fateful day, the Spirit of Stan Swamy lives on. Millions of people: the Adivasis and the Dalits, the […]

Frankly Spicy: The Rise and Fall of the Buddha Boy

Frankly Spicy: The Rise and Fall of the Buddha Boy

FRANKLY SPICY by EFFKAY Well, butter my toasted buns and call me a Buddha! The saga of Ram Bahadur Bomjan, Nepal’s very own “Buddha Boy,” has reached a spicy climax, and it’s not the sort of zen-like enlightenment you’d expect. Instead, it’s more like a soggy soufflé that’s caved in on itself. Back in 2005, […]

Just wait! Today: Arundhati Roy. Tomorrow: You?

Just wait! Today: Arundhati Roy. Tomorrow: You?

A Comedy of Delays Oh, the drama! Fourteen years have flown by, and suddenly, Delhi Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena has an epiphany. “Prosecute Arundhati Roy under UAPA,” he declares, undoubtedly while clutching a copy of the Indian Penal Code. One can only wonder what took so long. Did someone misplace the file behind a […]

Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

As a sweltering Patna waits in desperation for some cooling showers, so do folks in civil society and social action long for the next national Census. That mundane yet essential national headcount. One might wonder why the 2021 Census has been delayed so long it’s starting to feel like waiting for Godot. The answer, dear […]

No Love Affair better than Ours!

No Love Affair better than Ours!

Eighty years ago, Harold Terens first set foot in Normandy as a young U.S. Army Air Forces corporal, not long after D-Day. His mission was to help transport German prisoners and freed American POWs to England, a somber task in the wake of the bloody beach landings where many of his friends had fallen. Fast […]

Deaths Mount, Water Rationed as India Faces Record Heat

Deaths Mount, Water Rationed as India Faces Record Heat

New Delhi—Meltdown Madness Ensues During these past seven days, India’s capital, New Delhi, has taken centre stage in a real-life horror show: a record-breaking heatwave that’s turned the city into an inferno. With daytime temperatures flirting with 120 degrees Fahrenheit and nighttime temps barely dipping below 90, the city is cooking, and not in a […]

Big Business hopes You voted for Modi!

Big Business hopes You voted for Modi!

This isn’t a rant about the undeniable fact that the Indian media landscape is dominated by a few powerful conglomerates, many of which have notable connections to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). But let’s get that out of the way first. Reliance Industries Limited has a significant presence in Indian media through its subsidiary, Network18. […]

Supreme Court Questions Centre’s Control Over CBI in State Investigations

Supreme Court Questions Centre’s Control Over CBI in State Investigations

In a recent court session, the Supreme Court of India challenged the central government’s assertion of having no control over the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in state-level investigations. The court questioned who else could authorize the premier investigative agency to conduct probes in states. During the hearing of an original suit filed by the […]

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