Supreme Court Questions Centre’s Control Over CBI in State Investigations

Supreme Court Questions Centre’s Control Over CBI in State Investigations

In a recent court session, the Supreme Court of India challenged the central government’s assertion of having no control over the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in state-level investigations. The court questioned who else could authorize the premier investigative agency to conduct probes in states. During the hearing of an original suit filed by the […]

No Place for Electoral Bonds to Hide?

No Place for Electoral Bonds to Hide?

Tuesday, May 14: The Supreme Court didn’t mince words today, – they promised Prashant Bhushan that the electoral bonds controversy won’t be swept under the rug! Bhushan, in a classic move, asked for a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to dig into all the juicy details of quid pro quo, corruption, and kickbacks revealed by those […]

Voters should heed Ambedkar: ‘Bhakti the sure road to Dictatorship’

Voters should heed Ambedkar: ‘Bhakti the sure road to Dictatorship’

By Cedric Prakash In a short time from now, the Election Commission of India (ECI) is expected to announce the General Elections 2024! This is a watershed moment for the country and the outcome of the elections will certainly determine the future, particularly the nation’s commitment to its Constitution and the future of our democracy! […]



In this opinion piece, Fr Cedric Prakash SJ touches upon several events that have occurred in the first two weeks of May, most disturbingly the violence in Manipur, also asking some searching questoins The first eleven days of May 2023 have, in many ways, been a defining period of Indian history. Plenty has happened in […]

Supreme Court says ‘non-traditional families’ are entitled to equal social benefits

Supreme Court says ‘non-traditional families’ are entitled to equal social benefits

A family may consist of various configurations of adults taking care of biological and non-biological children. A decision by Supreme Court last week declared that same sex couples and other non-traditional families are entitled to equal social benefits same as the other traditional families (having one male as father and one female as the mother). […]

Disturbing, this Web of Hate

Disturbing, this Web of Hate

It is so disturbing to hear the news these days. People killing each other in the name of religion, protests and money. I literally do not understand. The journalist and fact checker, Mohammad Zubair, has been arrested on a tweet made in 2018, because somebody claimed that he had hurt his religious sentiments! In the […]

The Devil is in the Details of a new ‘MM’ dispute

The Devil  is in the Details of a new ‘MM’ dispute

The dust has barely settled on one Masjid-Mandir [MM] dispute, and another one ‘Gyanvapi Mosque- Kashi Vishwanath ‘ is hogging the nosy TV spaces and polarizing the discourse on social media. The Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act, 1991, says that a mosque, temple, church or any place of public worship in existence on August […]

Contempt and the Court

Contempt and the Court

Prashant Bhushan has been held guilty of making derogatory remarks  against the judges of the Supreme Court. He is one of the founding members of the Aam Aadmi Party and is a prominent civil rights lawyer. His family has a history in politics. Shanti Bhushan, his father, was a union minister in the BJP-led Morarji […]

‘It speaks poorly of the Judiciary’s confidence in itself ….’

‘It speaks poorly of the Judiciary’s confidence in itself ….’

More than 3000 people including several legal luminaries and  retired Justices have signed an open letter, expressing their disappointment with the Supreme Court ruling in the now volatile ‘Prashant Bhushan Contempt of Court case’. The Court has convicted a prominent lawyer, Prashant Bhushan, for his tweets. The letter says, ” The tweets were a bona […]

‘Put NRC on hold’: Assam Public Works to Top Court

‘Put NRC on hold’: Assam Public Works to Top Court

The NRC headache just won’t go away! The Government of India keeps the citizens in doubt and confusion about the national register of Citizens exercise, while ASSAM, the ‘test case’ for NRC is in turmoil. The Assam Public Works (APW) has filed yet another petition in the Supreme Court pleading that the National Register of […]

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