Is ‘Janus-faced’ Nitish losing support?

Is ‘Janus-faced’ Nitish losing support?


While not being political, I must say there is a point made by the BJP. Nitish Kumar is indeed getting more double-faced by the day.

The BJP’s Jharkhand unit has termed Bihar government’s decision of tax holiday to liquor factories in that state as “contradictory’ while demanding a ban on booze in other states.

“On one hand Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is going to other states and giving statements on liquor ban and on the other he is giving a tax holiday to liquor factories,” BJP Jharkhand unit spokesman Prem Mittal  has said in a release, adding that these were contradictory decisions.

True, I think. Why preach to the middle class and force us into prohibition?

Mittal asked why Kumar had remained silent on a reported letter by Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das to his Bihar counterpart questioning the tax holiday. Echoing Mittal’s statement, another BJP leader Praveen Prabhakar accused Kumar of encouraging foreign liquor production and bottling through the tax holiday and said Kumar’s claim on a complete ban on liquor was “hollow”.

I am sure that the thinking and intellectual people all over Bihar and Jharkhand are not going to support this Janus-faced politician. People of Bihar were totally fooled by this man, when he pretended that prohibition would only apply to hooch and such dangerous spirits.

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This time round, I think, if BJP or any other party  can give us its promise to kick out this stupid total prohibition, 60 percent of the youth will vote for BJP or any other party but not for Nitish!

Brajesh Mishra, Main market, Katihar

One Response to "Is ‘Janus-faced’ Nitish losing support?"

  1. purba kumai   November 6, 2016 at 11:10 am

    There are other angles to be seen as well. Less drunken brawls and lots of people who were dependent on liquor are now more or less sober. Then the religous fanatics. from these quarters Nitish will get support.
    I also believe that Total prohibition and overkill of laws is wrong. At least he could have followed Kerala pattern!