India hosted the fifth edition of Army International Scout Masters competition in Jaisalmer Military station under the Southern Command of Indian Army.
While the Indian media reported that India had topped the charts in the first stage of the competition, the third stage has been held, but strangely, the media hasn’t disclosed the rankings of the 2nd stage yet.
The event witnessed the participation of the Mechanized Infantry Scout Teams of eight countries including Russia who is the founding member of this format of the International Army Games.

The International Army Scout Masters Competition is conducted in five stages, which test the overall skills of Mechanised Infantry Scouts in simulated battlefield scenarios. The combat skills are adjudicated by a panel of international judges and referees.
International Army Games-2019 is being held in 10 countries, from August 3 -17.
Games would be held in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, China, Iran Mongolia, India, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Games would be ended on August 17. According to Russian Defense Ministry, International Army Games-2019 is spread over 10 countries and will be one of the biggest army games in history.
Army International Scout Masters competition being held from 05th to 16th of August 2019 for the very first time in India is a part of the larger competition.
A total of seven teams from foreign countries Armenia, Belarus, China, Uzbekistan, Russia, Sudan, Kazakhstan are participating in the Indian event.

India is hosting one event, so is Armenia (Warrior of Commonwealth), Azerbijan (Sea Cup) Belarus (Sniper frontier), Uzbekistan (Military Medical relay race). Iran is hosting two events (Depth; Road patrol); Kazakhstan is hosting three (Confident reception, Falcon hunting, Masters of Military Fire); China is hosting 4 events (Suvorov Attack, Clear Sky, Gunsmith master, Safe environment). Russian Federation is hosting the following events:Tank Biathlon; Aviadarts, Airborne Platoon, Seaborne Assault, Open water, Safe Route, Engineering Formula, Masters of armoured vehicles, Maintenance battalion, Elbrus Ring, True Friend, Field Kitchen, Military rally, Guardian of Order
The first stage of the Army International Scout Masters Competition involved infiltration behind enemy lines and link-up with an intelligence source, carrying out visual surveillance of a known enemy Electronic Warfare post and targeting of an enemy vehicle convoy. A navigation march of approximate 15 Kilometers on foot by night, without electronic navigation aids, was also undertaken by the teams.
The first stage puts to test the team’s battle drills and survival skills and gauged their professional acumen of undertaking conventional navigation utilising rudimentary maps and compass in the harsh desert terrain.
Local Indian media has been praising the Indian Army for participating in the competition for the first time as host and their performance in stage one is showing the hard work , physical fitness training and professionalism of Indian Army. But, we have no indication of how India has fared in stages two and three
Newsnet desk with inputs from intern Aastha Kashyap