“Adolescence on Netflix: a proper “Must Watch!”

“Adolescence on Netflix: a proper “Must Watch!”

“Adolescence” is a gripping new four-part drama on Netflix that dropped earlier this month, and it’s got a filming style that’s pretty unique. Every episode is shot in one long, unbroken take – no cuts, no pauses, just the camera following the action non-stop.

It’s set in the north of England and follows the aftermath of a teenage stabbing, showing how it affects everyone from the accused lad, Jamie Miller, to his family, mates, schoolkids, and even the police and professionals dealing with the case.

Director Philip Barantini

The way they filmed it is mental. The camera gets passed around like a baton in a relay race – from crew members to drones, in and out of buildings and cars, all while keeping up with the actors. Director Philip Barantini, who’s used this one-take trick before, says it makes everything feel raw and real for us watching, and it pulls the cast right into the story.

Stephen Graham, who stars in it and helped create the show with writer Jack Thorne, calls it a “zen-like” way of acting. He says it’s like doing a live play but with the natural vibe of telly – spontaneous and full of energy.

Graham’s worked with Barantini before on “Boiling Point,” and here he plays a big role in switching the focus from the victim’s family to the life of the accused, asking tough questions about who’s really to blame for teen violence. Newcomer Owen Cooper, just 15, plays Jamie, the boy at the heart of it all. He’s a total natural – Graham even reckons he’s the next Robert De Niro! Owen turned up to rehearsals word-perfect and blew everyone away with his instincts.

The cast is stacked with talent like Erin Doherty (Princess Anne from “The Crown”) as Jamie’s psychologist and Ashley Walters as a police officer digging into the case. They all rave about the one-take style. Erin says it’s “glorious” and wishes she could work like this forever, while Ashley used the set’s layout to time his lines perfectly. It’s a proper team effort – the actors and camera crew move together like a dance, all planned out beforehand.

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Speaking of planning, Barantini and his team put loads of work into making it happen. They trim the scripts to fit the one-hour episodes, build sets like a police station with the exact number of stairs needed for the dialogue, and map out every camera move. Locations – like the family home, police station, and a DIY superstore made from an old warehouse – are all close together to keep things smooth. Jack Thorne, the co-writer, says the technical skill is “amazing,” even if he was gutted to lose a school scene with a flying football that didn’t fit the timing.

Rehearsals are key. The cast and crew practice heaps so everyone knows their moves. Christine Tremarco, who plays Jamie’s mum, once wandered into the kitchen when she was meant to be upstairs, but she got it right after that. Graham says no one really messed up, though they did have to restart once when a cameraman got stuck outside – opening doors was part of the choreography!

It’s like a football team, Graham says – everyone’s got their spot and just plays. Erin agrees it “breeds good work” because there’s no safety net. If you mess up, you keep going, and that’s when the magic happens. “Adolescence” is intense, fresh, and brilliantly done – a proper must-watch.

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