Patnacine Festa: An Oasis for Art Lovers

Patnacine Festa: An Oasis for Art Lovers

Five days. For five days, in the midst of a searing June heatwave, an oasis appeared in this cultural Kalahari, bringing a modicum of animation to the listless and drooping culture-vultures parked on the bare bones of a surreal Mowgli landscape. Their “What ya wanna do?” “I dunno, what ya wanna do?” was cut short […]

Top priority: New Technology!

Top priority: New Technology!

Ten years ago, as Indians cast their votes, technology was merely an afterthought, much like adding a sprig of dhania to a bowl of dal. It was there, but nobody really noticed. Fast forward to 2024, and our politicians, like kids who just found out Santa isn’t real, are waking up to the challenges and […]

Washington has Bigger Fish to fry!

Washington has Bigger Fish to fry!

In a display of unprecedented creativity, certain sections of the Indian ‘mainstream media’ have embarked on a quest of epic proportions: making mountains out of molehills, and in some cases, creating molehills where there are none to begin with. As the Indian election circus rolls from town to town, the Delhi media seems to be […]

“Nowhere” is Somewhere Soon, maybe?

“Nowhere” is Somewhere Soon, maybe?

Imagine a world that has depleted itself of all its resources. Where women and children are looked on as liabilities. Where violence is as common as a morning breakfast, if you are lucky enough to find anything to eat. Where a Snickers bar is almost as valuable as gold. The film “Nowhere” [on Netflix] has […]

The Holy Book of India, isn’t the Bible!

The Holy Book of India, isn’t the Bible!

Catholic students in a well known Jesuit College in Bihar may have been a bit surprised to see a Catholic Priest hold up the Constitution of India and say, “This is the most Sacred Book of the Citizen of India. Not the Bible, Not the Quran, Not the Bhagwad Gita.” The priest who was addressing […]

Selling One’s Soul!

Selling One’s Soul!

In this hard hitting reflection, Cedric Prakash discusses ‘The betrayal of Christ and Constitution‘.  For the past couple of days, electronic and print mainstream media in the country, have been highlighting the public ‘promise’ made by the Archbishop of Tellicherry.  During a  protest rally of some Catholic rubber farmers  he offered to help the BJP […]

Hostile Government raids BBC Delhi and Mumbai offices

Hostile Government raids BBC Delhi and Mumbai offices

 Indian tax authorities raided the BBC’s offices and seized its journalists’ phones in a stunning — and apparently retaliatory — move on Tuesday (February 14), says The Washington Post.  This Valentine Day move against the British broadcaster  came weeks after it aired a polarizing documentary examining Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rise and his handling […]

Assam Documentary to make India Proud

Assam Documentary to make India Proud

A documentary produced in the Northeast has been selected for screening in a prestigious international film festival in France. ‘Mask Art of Majuli’, a documentary film featuring the Satriya mask-making culture of the famed river island in Assam, has been chosen for competition sections of the 29th Festival International des Cinemas d’Asie (FICA) in France […]

As NDTV transforms to ‘Adani TV’: more resignations

As NDTV transforms to ‘Adani TV’: more resignations

With the hostile takeover of NewDelhi Television, we have seen the last of the ‘independent’ mainstream television channels in India.  In the latest in a series of resignations at the company after it was taken over by the Adani group, Journalists and anchosr Nidhi Razdan and Sreenivasan Jain have  quit NDTV.  Razdan had worked at […]

ICPA Reporting Awards 2022 go to Catholic Priest, Nun

ICPA  Reporting Awards 2022 go to  Catholic Priest, Nun

The Indian Catholic Press Association (ICPA) is announced that the ‘ICPA Award for the Best Reportage on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes’, [sponsored by the CBCI Office for Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes], will be awarded to Father Irudhaya Jothi SJ for authentically and consistently being the voice of people’s rights, especially the poor Dalits […]

A moment of World History, as the Elizabethan Age ends

A moment of World History, as the Elizabethan Age ends

“In a redux of a bygone age, Buckingham Palace was at the apex of global power — if just for a day”was how one journalist with the Washington Post described the atmosphere in the United Kingdom on Monday, as the nation bid its final farewell to Queen Elizabeth II. And so it was. The world […]

National Commission to study Dalit Converts to Islam, Christianity

National Commission to study Dalit Converts to Islam, Christianity

The Central Government is to constitute a ‘national commission’ to study the social, economic and educational status of  Scheduled Caste, or Dalit converts to ‘religions other than Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism’, it  is learnt. The proposal is being actively discussed at the Centre, and a decision is likely to be taken soon, according to some […]

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