‘Waiting and Watching will not Save Us!’

‘Waiting and Watching will not Save Us!’

 In the aftermath of violent clashes in Manipur and simmering communal tensions, the Nagalim Council of Churches has taken a pro-active stand, announcing a special prayer and fasting service on Friday, May 19. Days after the Council of Nagalim Churches (CNC) condemned the “brutal carnage” in violence-hit Manipur, the CNC said a special prayer with […]

A chilled Zero Beer is Great for Health!

A chilled Zero Beer is Great for Health!

In prohibition affected Bihar, the only option for those who love a chilled beer is to go for the non-alcoholic varieties! And there are a few brands out there that taste just as good as the ‘real thing’. Non-alcoholic beer, also known as alcohol-free or zero-alcohol beer, has gained popularity, because of its various benefits. […]

In Thailand, the people choose Liberals, kick out Military backed Government

In Thailand, the people choose Liberals, kick out Military backed Government

News from Bangkok is that Thailand is looking for an overhaul as the people voted out the incumbent military backed government, according to news reports of May 15. Thailand’s opposition made it,  trouncing parties allied with the military, setting the stage for r forming a government in to end nearly a decade of conservative, army-backed […]



In this opinion piece, Fr Cedric Prakash SJ touches upon several events that have occurred in the first two weeks of May, most disturbingly the violence in Manipur, also asking some searching questoins The first eleven days of May 2023 have, in many ways, been a defining period of Indian history. Plenty has happened in […]

China flexes muscles while India and Friends exercise in South China Sea

China flexes muscles while India and Friends exercise in South China Sea

Boats belonging to a Chinese sea militia approached an area where the navies of India and Asean countries were taking part in drills in the South China Sea, says a Reuter’s report on April 9. The two-day sea phase of the Asean-India Maritime Exercise (AIME 2023) began on Sunday with naval ships and aircraft from […]

Karnataka: Will there be Winds of Change?

Karnataka: Will there be Winds of Change?

Peace activist Cedric Prakash writes this piece as the state of Karnataka pauses before election Day. Several people have predicted that winds of change are blowing, but what are the issues? Karnataka has gone silent today after a high velocity and vicious election campaign. With Assembly Elections 2023 just a couple of days away on […]

At 96, She battles Abortion and affirms Life!

At 96, She battles Abortion and affirms Life!

St. Catherine’s Home and Orphanage in Bombay (Mumbai) has been caring for single mothers and abused girls for almost a hundred years. Since 1927 the Daughters of the Cross, a Catholic Religious Congregation, have run the home. St. Catherine’s doors are open for abused girls entrusted to them by police and social services. This year […]

In Pakistan, Iftar Dinner and Lenten Charity

In Pakistan, Iftar Dinner and Lenten Charity

In the midst of political and social turmoil in neighbouring Pakistan, from the town of Faisalabad comes a ray of hope.  With Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, and the season of Lent overlapping, Christians and Muslims have been provided a special opportunity to come together this year in Pakistan. Every year,  the Catholic Diocese of […]

Buying water is a Harsh Reality in the Hills

Buying water is a Harsh Reality in the Hills

A few days ago, I read in the Indian Express newspaper, that  India could be headed for a water shortage this summer. All major reservoirs have reported less water in them than in the previous year at the corresponding time. Except for the northern region, the rest of the four regions of the country’s reservoirs […]

क्या भस्मासुर की कहानी की राजनीति में पुनरावृति हो रही है?

क्या भस्मासुर की कहानी की राजनीति में पुनरावृति हो रही है?

वर्ष 2013 में जब केंद्र में संप्रग सरकार थी और उस समय कांग्रेस के उपाध्यक्ष राहुल गांधी जी थे। उस समय लालू प्रसाद यादव, जयललिता सहित तमाम सैकड़ों राजनीतिक लोगों को किसी न किसी मामले में न्यायालय द्वारा सजा मिलने पर संसद या विधानसभा की सदस्यता गवानी पड़ी थी। उस समय तत्कालीन कांग्रेस द्वारा ऐसे […]

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