By Cedric Prakash SJ When on 5 July 2021, the fascist regime of India, killed Jesuit Fr. Stan Swamy, they succeeded only in destroying the frail body of an 84-year-old Catholic Priest. Today, three years after that fateful day, the Spirit of Stan Swamy lives on. Millions of people: the Adivasis and the Dalits, the […]
Another insightful observation from Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ Few will not remember Judas Iscariot and the role he played in the betrayal of Jesus! For those who don’t know or don’t remember, these passages from Sacred Scripture will help put things in perspective: And while they were eating, he said, “Truly I tell you, one of you will betray me.” […]
This isn’t a rant about the undeniable fact that the Indian media landscape is dominated by a few powerful conglomerates, many of which have notable connections to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). But let’s get that out of the way first. Reliance Industries Limited has a significant presence in Indian media through its subsidiary, Network18. […]
Ever feel like your vote doesn’t really count? Jason Brennan’s provocative book, Against Democracy, might just explain why you’re not alone. If the title didn’t tip you off, Brennan’s not here to sing democracy’s praises. Instead, he takes a good, hard look at the shortcomings of the system most of us hold dear. FRANK KRISHNER […]
You know it’s election season in India when Prime Minister Narendra Modi starts criticizing Indian Muslims and Pakistan. At his rallies, Modi has called Muslims in India “infiltrators” and claimed they “have more children,” despite these claims being proven false. He also falsely accused that if Congress comes to power, the wealth of ordinary citizens […]
Yesterday, 13th May, was Israel’s ‘Independence Day’. Frank Krishner in this piece examines the concept of Zionism. As Israel commemorates its 76th anniversary against the grim backdrop of recent violence and unrest, the essence of Zionism stands under scrutiny. In the cacophony of discourse surrounding Zionism, the term has been both distorted and weaponized, painted […]
By Cedric Prakash In a short time from now, the Election Commission of India (ECI) is expected to announce the General Elections 2024! This is a watershed moment for the country and the outcome of the elections will certainly determine the future, particularly the nation’s commitment to its Constitution and the future of our democracy! […]
Bags of rice stocked wall-thick at the grain warehouses are what the nutrition warriors in Bihar are counting on to repel the onslaught of anaemia, which as recent figures indicate has gained the upper hand in recent times. A ‘workshop’ for media, organised last week in Patna, as part of an SBCC Campaign, revealed that […]
On 8 January 2024, Bilkis Bano stood vindicated! Her relentless quest for truth and justice met with triumph, as the Supreme Court of India, quashed the Gujarat Government’s decision to allow premature release of convicts in the gangrape case where she was the victim; a heinous, brutal crime which took place during the Gujarat carnage of […]
The old cliche is that Love knows no boundaries. In what many see as a landmark moment, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, recently celebrated his union with his partner, Oliver Mulherin, in a quiet Hawaiian ceremony. This event, while capturing the attention of the public, serves as a poignant reminder that love and commitment […]
[Speak Truth to Power and Pay the Price! That’s the mission of a true journalist. This is what Jesuit social activist and social commentator Father Cedric Prakash seems to be saying in his latest epistle. Read on:] These are critical times in India’s history: in fact, whether we would like to accept it or not, […]
In a world where individual liberties and freedom of expression are celebrated as fundamental human rights, China’s latest move to control what its citizens wear is deeply troubling. The proposed ban on clothing deemed “detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese people” and that “hurt the feelings” of the Chinese people is not only vague […]