India Today: worse than Indira’s ‘Emergency’

India Today: worse than Indira’s ‘Emergency’

[Cedric Prakash, in his latest opinion piece, reflects on the current happenings in the country- Editor] Don’t Forget the Emergency India will and should never forget that infamous night of 25/26 June 1975, when, the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had a state of emergency declared all over the country. During that dark chapter of […]

Voters should heed Ambedkar: ‘Bhakti the sure road to Dictatorship’

Voters should heed Ambedkar: ‘Bhakti the sure road to Dictatorship’

By Cedric Prakash In a short time from now, the Election Commission of India (ECI) is expected to announce the General Elections 2024! This is a watershed moment for the country and the outcome of the elections will certainly determine the future, particularly the nation’s commitment to its Constitution and the future of our democracy! […]

Foisting A Bluff on the Nation!

Foisting A Bluff on the Nation!

[Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ examines several issues and joins the ‘One nation one Election’ debate, firmly against the proposition.] On 31 August, the Government called for a special session of Parliament beginning on 18 September. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi tweeted, “Special Session of Parliament (13th Session of 17th Lok Sabha and 261st Session of […]

Patna Archbishop: Church cannot be silent in the face of discrimination

Patna Archbishop: Church cannot be silent in the face of discrimination

Patna, Bihar: The Catholic archbishop of Patna has finally broken his silence, and in a pastoral letter to Catholics in Patna Archdiocese has made it clear that the Church stands for the fundamental principles of the Constitution and a non-discriminatory and humane policy towards refugees. Preparations are underway for a stand -in and candlelight demonstration […]

Will Sikkim be next?

Will Sikkim be next?

Sikkim watched with interest and trepidation as the drama to remove Article 370 played out in the national capital . It is to be remembered that it was as recently as 1975 that the Himalayan protectorate, known as ‘Belgium of the East’ was annexed or ‘merged’ with India and assurance was given to maintain the […]

क्या छुआ –छूत के नियम सिर्फ कागज़ो पर है?

क्या छुआ –छूत के नियम सिर्फ कागज़ो पर है?

एक दृश्य16 जून की सुबह मै अपने गाँव मे थी वहाँ कुछ बच्चे चापाकल स्नान कर रहे थे उसी वक़्त एक ब्राह्मण आया और उन बच्चो को हटने बोला फिर चापाकल को इस्तेमाल करने से पहले बच्चों की  जाति पुछी । यह कोई बड़ी बात नहीं है पर यह छोटी सी घटना मुझे यह सोचने […]

Patna’s ‘Sister Dorothy’ honoured for promoting Constitution

Presentation Sister Dorothy Fernandes, working in Bihar, was honoured for promoting democratic and republic characteristics of the Indian Constitution on Monday November 26. Catholics of Patna know her as a person with a strong commitment for the poor and disempowered. She received the award “Neelkanth Samman”  on November 26, the Constitution Day, at Mavlankar Hall […]

Petition against compulsory sacramental confession, dismissed by HC

Petition against compulsory sacramental confession, dismissed by HC

The sacrament of confession also called the sacrament of reconciliation is one of the fundamental practices and sacraments of the Catholic Faith, and no government that abides by the Constitution of India can interfere with this. In the midst of increasing interference and a sustained campaign by certain mischievous and vocal elements, this latest ‘petition’ […]

Is the Indian Constitution being pulled apart, section by section?

Is the Indian Constitution being pulled apart, section by section?

A ‘Save the Constitution, Save the Country’ rally was held on Sunday, attended by some 1500 people in the pouring rain. These folks came from several districts around Patna. They were ordinary folk: daily wage earners, teachers, students, a professor or two, a couple of government employees and so on and so forth.  So, what […]

‘Save Reservations , Save Country’ rally at Patna

‘Save Reservations , Save Country’ rally at Patna

Patna: Reservations appeared to be the main focus of ‘Save Constitution, Save Country Rally’, held today (June 24) at the historic Gandhi Maidan at Patna. Hundreds of people from different regions of Bihar — men, women, and college students – gathered despite the heavy rain. the crowd was full of energy and kept shouting the […]