Embracing a More Inclusive Catholicism: The Case for Liberal Catholics

Embracing a More Inclusive Catholicism: The Case for Liberal Catholics

Dominican Sister Lucía Caram, who lives in Spain but is Argentinian, said during a recent television program that she is in favor of homosexual couples being able to “marry in the Church.” In recent years, the Catholic Church has found itself at a crossroads, facing complex questions about its stance on social issues, particularly regarding […]

The Church in India Prepares for 2025 Jubilee with a Message of Hope

The Church in India Prepares for 2025 Jubilee with a Message of Hope

Goa, India – The Catholic Church in India is gearing up to participate in the upcoming Jubilee of 2025 with joy and a profound sense of responsibility towards its evangelizing mission. The central theme for this significant event is “Pilgrims of Hope.” Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrao, the Archbishop of Goa-Daman and President of the Conference […]

The Holy Book of India, isn’t the Bible!

The Holy Book of India, isn’t the Bible!

Catholic students in a well known Jesuit College in Bihar may have been a bit surprised to see a Catholic Priest hold up the Constitution of India and say, “This is the most Sacred Book of the Citizen of India. Not the Bible, Not the Quran, Not the Bhagwad Gita.” The priest who was addressing […]

Dedicated Educator Inspires Generations in Remote Indian Region

Dedicated Educator Inspires Generations in Remote Indian Region

In the realm of education, teachers are often hailed as gurus, motivators, and even second parents. They are seen as visible gods guiding the path of knowledge for their students. As the world celebrates Teacher’s Day, we take a moment to recognize the unsung heroes, like Sister Kanthi Kullu, whose dedication to education has transformed […]

As Pope Francis moves forward, ‘Backward -looking’ moralists will be Left Behind

As Pope Francis moves forward, ‘Backward -looking’ moralists will be Left Behind

Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church, recently spoke out against conservative Catholics in the United States, calling them “reactionary” and expressing his concern about their influence. This marks one of his strongest criticisms of these influential figures who have been critical of his leadership for over a decade. The Pope’s comments were made […]

The Challenge to Live Fr. Stan’s Legacy Today!

The Challenge to Live Fr. Stan’s Legacy Today!

Times are bad in India: Manipur has been burning for two months now. Millions of citizens all over are denied their fundamental rights. Corruption and crony capitalism are rampant. Opposition politicians can be bought up and blackmailed by the ruling regime. The mega-project profiteers and the mafia who plunder our precious natural resources destroy the […]

Robbers tie up Parish priest, make off with donations

Robbers tie up Parish priest, make off with donations

Three masked men tied up a Catholic priest and robbed him of his money in broad daylight in the Raipur archdiocese of Chhattisgarh. Father Varghese Thekkekut, is  parish priest of St. Theresa of AvilaChurch  at Bagbahra in Mahasamund district. The parish is 89 km east of Raipur, the state capital. The men called on the […]

While Manipur Burns

While Manipur Burns

To say that ‘Manipur is burning’ is not merely a gross understatement, but belies the terrible reality which has gripped the tiny State in North-East India since the third of May, writes Peace Activist Cedric Prakash SJ: For almost fifty days now, Manipur has been experiencing unprecedented violence and mayhem; more than one hundred people […]

India’s First Catholic Saint and Martyr: Gonsalo Garcia

India’s First Catholic Saint and Martyr: Gonsalo Garcia

Gonsalo Garcia is a name that may not be familiar to many people, but his legacy as the first Indian Catholic missionary to be martyred in Japan is one of great significance. He born on Feb. 5, 1556 in Agashi village in western India’s Vasai (formerly Bassein) area. His father was a Portuguese soldier stationed […]



In this opinion piece, Fr Cedric Prakash SJ touches upon several events that have occurred in the first two weeks of May, most disturbingly the violence in Manipur, also asking some searching questoins The first eleven days of May 2023 have, in many ways, been a defining period of Indian history. Plenty has happened in […]