They’re Fire-crackers, not Poems!

They’re Fire-crackers, not Poems!

FRANK KRISHNER REVIEWS A NEW COLLECTION OF POETRY Ban Dook Dom, poems by Prabhat Jha, Authors Press 2024, 72 pages, Rs 295. Came back from one of those small little academically oriented ‘Book release’ things, that took place in an upper room with an audience of less than four dozen people.  A room packed with […]

Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

Census Delay : A Farce in Full Swing

As a sweltering Patna waits in desperation for some cooling showers, so do folks in civil society and social action long for the next national Census. That mundane yet essential national headcount. One might wonder why the 2021 Census has been delayed so long it’s starting to feel like waiting for Godot. The answer, dear […]

China’s Clothing Ban: An Assault on Personal Freedom and Expression

China’s Clothing Ban: An Assault on Personal Freedom and Expression

In a world where individual liberties and freedom of expression are celebrated as fundamental human rights, China’s latest move to control what its citizens wear is deeply troubling. The proposed ban on clothing deemed “detrimental to the spirit of the Chinese people” and that “hurt the feelings” of the Chinese people is not only vague […]

I will campaign for the BJP!

I will campaign for the BJP!

Archbishop Joseph Pamplany of Tellicherry on March 18 assured the BJP at least one seat from the southern Indian state if the federal government raises the price of rubber to 300 rupees. Predictably, there were gasps and shocked responses from well meaning Christians across the land. Joseph Pamplany, some seem to indicate, is a modern […]

What does fair mean?

What does fair mean?

Fair means not to be biased, judgmental and to be unbiased in each and every situation. Fairness is not just a part of a person’s nature but also the part of a person’s identity and personality. If you treat a person with equality without discrimination or favoritism then you are called fair. Fairness is without […]